Video: Ghost-Hoodie Presentation
Founder of Saro GmbH and creator of the CONCAMO® Camouflage Pattern Matthias Bürgin is not in front of the camera. In our new video series he will show our products and add some valuable tips for effective use. With this series we want to help…
Review: Ghost-Hoodie
Kon did a text review to our Ghost-Hoodie. He also added a good demonstration, how well the fabric can cover civil clothing. The Ghost-Hoodie from the German company GHOSTHOOD is one of their bestsellers. With this ultra light camouflage poncho GHOSTHOOD brought a product to…
Video comparison Ghillie Suit and Ghost-Hoodie
Ripperkon did a comparison of a selfmade Ghillie Suit and our Ghost-Hoodie. “The Ghost-Hoodie is a good add-on for everyone who uses camouflage. Even if you prefer a classic Ghillie Suit, the Ghost-Hoodie can enhance your capabilities.” Konstantin Möller –
TFB Review: Concamo Ghosthood – Confusion Camouflage System
This is a review of the Concamo Ghosthood and some of the components in their Confusion Camouflage System. If you’re following TFB, I’m sure you’ve seen the Concamo images at least a few times. The images look great, and they have wonderful marketing cooperation with excellent companies…
CONCAMO® for hunting
Our friends at Deutscher Jagdblog (German Hunting Blog) took a look at some GHOSTHOOD camouflage for hunting and also compared the Ghost-Hoodie to the Compact-Poncho. Vor einiger Zeit haben wir einen Artikel zum Thema Tarnung die für die Jagd geschrieben, hierbei haben wir erklärt, wie…
GHOSTHOOD für die Krähenjagd
Die Krähenjagd – Herausforderung bei Sonnenaufgang Die Jagd auf rabenartige Vögel wie Krähen und Elstern ist die Herausforderung schlechthin für einen Jäger. Die intelligenten Vögel äugen sehr gut und können die einzelnen Situationen schnell einschätzen. Eine Aktion löst eine Reaktion aus. Bei zu vielen Fehlern…
Review: Leo Köhler in Concamo Brown
Our friends at Spartanat took the time to take a closer look at some Leo Köhler clothing in our pattern Concamo Brown. They just published a german review about it. Wir haben Schulden bei euch. Wir schulden Euch noch die Review von der neuen Uniform…
Review: Ghost-Hoodie and Ghost-Legs
Spartanat took a closer look at the Ghost-Hoodie and Ghost-Legs by GHOSTHOOD. GHOSTHOOD is develeoping light and compact camouflage solutions for body, equipment and objects. Geister sind unsichtbar, zumindest die meiste Zeit. Wenn auch ihr zu einem Geist werden wollt, habt ihr zwei Möglichkeiten: erstens…
Ghosthood Product Spotlight
Our friends at Airsoft and Military News Blog visited us and took a closer look at the Ghost-Hoodie, Ghost-Legs and their features. The GhostHood line from CONCAMO is their latest new product line and it will be available very soon or lets say, you can already…
Field Test: ConCamo – part II
Introduction One of my last camouflage reviews was about a new German pattern called ConCamo – Confusion Camouflage. It took me some time to make additional pictures in autumn since I was quite busy, but in the last few days I was finally back home…