Video: Ghost-Hoodie Presentation
Founder of Saro GmbH and creator of the CONCAMO® Camouflage Pattern Matthias Bürgin is not in front of the camera. In our new video series he will show our products and add some valuable tips for effective use. With this series we want to help…
Review: Ghost-Hoodie
Kon did a text review to our Ghost-Hoodie. He also added a good demonstration, how well the fabric can cover civil clothing. The Ghost-Hoodie from the German company GHOSTHOOD is one of their bestsellers. With this ultra light camouflage poncho GHOSTHOOD brought a product to…
Video comparison Ghillie Suit and Ghost-Hoodie
Ripperkon did a comparison of a selfmade Ghillie Suit and our Ghost-Hoodie. “The Ghost-Hoodie is a good add-on for everyone who uses camouflage. Even if you prefer a classic Ghillie Suit, the Ghost-Hoodie can enhance your capabilities.” Konstantin Möller –