CONCAMO and HK G95K in the field
Soldiersystems published a Spartanat article with additional information to our photoshooting with Heckler & Koch. On this photoshoot we featured the new HK G95k and the G27. Every camouflage pattern is only just as good as its application. CONCAMO is new, was presented during IWA…
Concamo & HK Photoshooting
For creating some high quality pictures for presenting our pattern to the world, we decided to team up with Heckler & Koch in Germany. This was our first photoshooting with them. Gear is by UF Pro, Ghosthood, md-textil, Lowa and Tasmanian Tiger.Spartanat published an article…
UF PRO to Make Striker Tactical Gear Available in CONCAMO
TRZIN, SLOVENIA (28t h February 2019)—UF PRO® said today its range of best-in-class Striker tactical gear will be offered in an innovative camouflage pattern that provides cloaking effectiveness like no other thanks to its prowess at sending subconscious brain signals into disarray. […] Wagner said…
Video: Concamo raw impression
We had the idea to show a raw impression on how Concamo works in different spots in this typical german autumn environment.
Comparison Photoshooting
We did a big photoshooting with a lot of different camo patterns in different environments. We compared them in green, brown, semi arid and other spots in nature. This includes following patterns: Multicam Original, Multicam Tropic, Flecktarn, A-TACS, Pencott Greenzone, Pencott Badlands, Vegetato and more….
CONCAMO Urban Preview
A first impression of our urban camo pattern can be found on Strategie&Technik Blog. The print is not a final one but will give you an idea on how our urban pattern looks and performs. Rangendingen (ww) Das von Matthias Bürgin entwickelte Tarnmuster „Confusion Camo“ sorgte…
Video: IWA 2018
On IWA exhibition in Nürnberg, Germany we presented our Concamo Pattern at the Leo Köhler Booth. GsP Airsoft visited us and made this video.
Video: IWA 2018 ASMC
ASMC visited us at IWA 2018 in Nürnberg, Germany. We presented a uniform by Leo Köhler.
New camo from Germany
Soldiersystems published an article with some information and first pictures of our pattern. Shortly before the IWA we are pleased to present the new CONCAMO. It comes from Germany and was developed by Matthias Bürgin. And it will land from now on: Leo Köhler produces…